5 Things You Must Know Before Buying Expired Domains + 10 Sites to Buy Expired Domains

You must have seen many newbies getting involved in domain flipping business. WHY?

Today I opened a group on Facebook and saw many people offering high DA/PA domains and many other people were interested in buying expired domains.

No doubt this is a very profitable and easy business. We can find some good domains and then flip them for a good profit.

If you are selling 4-5 domains per week with little profit of $50-$100 per domain then you can easily make $200-$500 per month.

I am doing this business from the last 3-4 months and it is working great for me as I have sold domains in $500, $251, $81, $50 and few others, and this was one of the easiest businesses I did.

If you are also looking to enter in domain flipping business then here I am going to share some very crucial things before buying a domain from anyone.

First of all, let’s start with a little introduction about the expired domain.

An expired domain is a domain which we don’t renew. There are many people who forget to renew their domains or they don’t have money to renew them again, so domain registrar gives 30 days extension to renew your domain.

If you fail to renew your domain in 30 days extension period then this domain will be declared as expired domain and domain registrar will start bidding for that domain.

Bidding will last for 7 days, and after that, the domain will be given to higher bidder, and with high bids, you can buy expired domain very easily.

And with this process, you can grab many good expiring domains.

Recently I won ProChatting.com in GoDaddy auction. I bought this domain just because of its age, as this is 15 years old domain. 🙂
How can you use these domains?

An expired domain is a great property to do many interesting things. Before proceeding further, and learning how to buy an expired domain and what to see while buying, we will learn how can we use them.

  1. 301 Redirect

301 redirect is an easy way to pass all link juice to a new website or a blog. Let’s say, you bought a domain name which is having backlinks from TechCrunch, Mashable, Forbes, HBC or any other big websites.

You can simply 301 redirect that domain name to your money website and start seeing improvement in rankings.

  1. Building an authority site on that domain

I have personally done this in the past. We bought an education niche domain and added around 100+ articles on that blog.

That domain was getting backlinks from some high authority education websites, so we didn’t put any extra efforts to make backlinks for that domain.

We were surprised to see the ranking of our domain name.

Every article we used to write in that blog was ranking in Google.

Although it worked for just a few months, but we made a handsome income with the domain name.

So you can build a site around that expired domain and get the ranking from the past authority of that domain.

  1. Private Blog Network (PBN)

This is another sneaky method to trick Google.

SEO experts build their own blogs to link back to their money websites. i.e a private blog network of their own.

Having an expired domain with high DA, PA, and backlinks from the big websites can be a big win here. Once you build a good site on those expired domains and give a backlink to your money website, you can improve the ranking.
Here are the Things You Need to Know Before Buying Expired Domains.

Here are the important things you must check when you buy expired domains from any marketplace.

People are selling GoDaddy expired domains on various platform, but they will only show you right parameters of the domain (example Good DA, PA) and hide all other important things.

make sure you read these 5 points very carefully before getting into domain flipping business.

  1. Always check DA/PA of the domain before buying

Thousands of domains expire daily and you can check them on sites like Moonsy, Expired Domain, PR Drop and there are many other sites from where you can find expired/deleted domains.

PA (page authority) and DA (domain authority) are two very important factors to find the quality of any expired domain or live website. DA and PA were introduced by Moz and you can check them on Open Site Explorer. You can use these domain authority checkers to check the stats of domain you are going to buy.

If you are buying any expired domain then always check both of them and try to grab a domain with DA 25+.

  1. Always check domain with Google banned checker

You may find a high PA, DA and very good-looking domain but this is of no use if Google has already banned it from search engines.

Check domain with Google banned checker and make sure it is not banned.

Note: If the domain is too good and you want to buy it in any case, even if it is banned, then you can use Google reconsideration request and request them for un-banning the domain.

  1. Check Google AdSense ban

You will find hundreds of expired domains which are Google Adsense banned. So if you are thinking to build a website on an expired domain then this must be your first step before buying any domain. Because at the end we are buying a domain to make money online and if it is already banned then it is no use for us.

AdSense Sandbox Checker is such a tool that will help you to find the AdSense ban.

Simply put URL and click on preview Ads.

If all the ads are being displayed then you are in a safe zone, otherwise, it is banned.

  1. Check the archive of the website

You might be aware of the above-mentioned things but this will be a new thing.

If you are buying an expired domain and want to see which type of website was running before it expired, then simply go to Archive and put your domain URL there.

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